Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek


I am so glad that I got to see this in the theaters. There truly isn't any other way that could possible do it justice.

This movie was epic. The graphics were off the hook, the acting was great, and the way the characters came together in the end to form the team we all know and love was perfect.

Now I'm not a Trekie, I probably didn't even spell that right. How could I be? I'm too young/"normal" and Deep Space 9 didn't really command the same following as the first two series. But this movie was great.

The whole thing was believable; the fight scenes, the action, the inherently awkward relationship between a human and a vulcan. So many movies these days are so focused on blowing their wad on the graphics that they forget the story. Or that make-up artists are still usefull. Thank you for makeing the make up more believable. I'm so tired of characters getting in fights where they are literly covered in their own blood and in the next scene they are fine. I know that you can't very well have the star of the show walking around with a shiner with a steak on it for half of the movie, but a bit of a black eye isn't going to kill you.

All that taken into consideration, this is really the Star Trek movie for everyone. Even if you don't know anything at all about the shows it's still a really good movie. That's probably the best part. JJ Abrams did an excelent job of not making this another movie for the loyal followers. If you don't know anything about what's going on, it's still a good flick. And more credit to the director still for leaving things the way they were left off. I love it in a movie when there is a real ending but the end is just the begining. When there are enough loose ends to make a sequal but not so many that you're left with an aching sensation in your bathing suit area.



Kimberly said...

My dad and I really want to see this movie.. hopefully in theaters, lol.. but we will see :D now im really looking forward to seeing it!

Unknown said...

Yeah, you did spell TREKKIE wrong. My dad is one...I even had to go to a convention with him once. Anyway, I'm excited to see it too...though I here they changed some of the original relationships or whatever. Who cares? As long as Spock says "live long and prosper" once, does it matter?

D. Skippy said...

*sings* I'm a Trekkie and I'm okay.