Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Previews, Pants, Megan Fox, Inline Skates


This doesn't happen ever time I go but have you ever gone to the movies and forgotten what you came to see while you are watching the previews? I know that's probably a dead give away that my sudoku puzzles aren't working as well as they should, but I like it. It's like a little surprise. Sitting there thinking about how awesome some movie is going to be I'll start talking it over with the guy next to me and forget all together what I'm there to see in the first place. And then the title screen comes up and I'm like, "awesome, I've been wanting to see this."


This lady that works here at the embassy wears the same pants just about every day. The worst part, aside the fact that they have got to be filthy, is that they are just about the ugliest pants I've ever seen. They have this strange kinda snake print on them, but more like the skin of a snake that was eaten and regurgitated by another snake and has been left to rot in the elements for a week. Every time I see her, I want to give her 20 bucks and tell her to go get new pants.

Megan Fox

WANT WANT WANT!!! What's better than a TOTAL BABE with tattoos drinking a beer and grilling up some chicken poolside in a swim suit? The correct answer is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. I could watch her lay around all sleep like that for weeks at a time.

Inline Skates

I recently cleaned my bearings. *grins*. I was so excited to get my skates back the other day that I didn't pay any attention to the fact that my bearing were filthy. I finally got a chance to get out on some decent paths last week and they started squeeking. There isn't anything more depressing than that sound, it's like they are crying *tear*. The potential top speed on a pair of skates with dirty bearings is so much slower than what I'm used to and you have to work WAY harder to keep up a good rythm. But now they are all better, thanks to a little TLC and a few drops of CLP. ;)

Maybe when I get back home and get a cell phone I can tweet this stuff. Micro blog anyone?


Kimberly said...

those poor skates! how could you let them squeak like that!! I haven't skated in mine for years now... and they still don't squeak!!! hee hee :D

ps. Yes megan fox is pretty damn sexy ;)

D. Skippy said...

Not that that's nothing like my diet or anything, but how does she maintain such a body on beer and chicken? I have to run four miles a day or else my ass would be as big as Texas.