Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Facebook Quizes

Ah, the Facebook quiz, not to be out-classed but the arguably more evil MySpace quiz. But I'm going to stick with Facebook for this one. A friend of mine recently told me that he avoids those things like the plague; for three reasons. 1. they are a life sucking brain cell dump. 2. nobody cares. 3. Skynet. This is why I stuck with Facebook. Myspace has made it increasingly easy to forward the latest "tell me everything about you" quiz to the internet masses, but Facebook has taken it a step further with the application quizes. Now you don't have to bother with copying and pasting, all you have to do is allow the application to access any and all personal information you've chosen to disclose on your profile and away you go. And you never do just one. You have to do 4 at least. What type of gun are you? What musical starlett are you? How are you going to die? What type of woman do you like? Now you just took four bullshit quizes that, instead of getting lost in the bulletin eather like on MySpace, are being archived somewhere. Enter Skynet. All these seemingly innocent quizes could be getting compiled to form a profile on everyone that is taking them. Not to mention the fact that you have to allow them to access your profile info, to include your friends list. After you're done taking the quiz it gives you the option to forward it to either friends you choose or you can have the computer randomly choose for you. There is also a "skip to results" option that only recently was introduced because of complaints of spamming. If you're cool about it, if you can be cool when you're taking a FB quiz, you just skip to the results. This is where they trick you, your results get posted on your friends pages anyway! Sneaky bastards.

There are also a million quizes out there made by FB users like yourself about yourself! Check that out. Now you can volunteer even more information and have other people take it and paste it up all over their friends pages whether or not you even know them. How cool is that? Remember the game, 6 Degrees from Kevin Bacon? A recent study of the popular Instant Messaging service, MSN, found that all of the users on the service were actually less than 6 "degrees" from each other. Apply that concept to FB. Within a couple of jumps, everyone knows everyone. And everyone knows your shit. But how is that different than any of the other sites that we've been using for all this time. Now it's being archived and organized into a profile. I'm sure that when machines do start taking over the world, knowing what toppings I like on my pizza and what kind of kinky little bastard I may be are going to be a deciding factors in the outcome.

Good night Skynet.


Kimberly said...

thanks for that... there goes all my fun...


Kimberly said...

seriously... i just went back to my face book and removed pretty much everything i could...lol.....

good grief... youre lucky i love you

:) ha