Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Facebook Quizes

Ah, the Facebook quiz, not to be out-classed but the arguably more evil MySpace quiz. But I'm going to stick with Facebook for this one. A friend of mine recently told me that he avoids those things like the plague; for three reasons. 1. they are a life sucking brain cell dump. 2. nobody cares. 3. Skynet. This is why I stuck with Facebook. Myspace has made it increasingly easy to forward the latest "tell me everything about you" quiz to the internet masses, but Facebook has taken it a step further with the application quizes. Now you don't have to bother with copying and pasting, all you have to do is allow the application to access any and all personal information you've chosen to disclose on your profile and away you go. And you never do just one. You have to do 4 at least. What type of gun are you? What musical starlett are you? How are you going to die? What type of woman do you like? Now you just took four bullshit quizes that, instead of getting lost in the bulletin eather like on MySpace, are being archived somewhere. Enter Skynet. All these seemingly innocent quizes could be getting compiled to form a profile on everyone that is taking them. Not to mention the fact that you have to allow them to access your profile info, to include your friends list. After you're done taking the quiz it gives you the option to forward it to either friends you choose or you can have the computer randomly choose for you. There is also a "skip to results" option that only recently was introduced because of complaints of spamming. If you're cool about it, if you can be cool when you're taking a FB quiz, you just skip to the results. This is where they trick you, your results get posted on your friends pages anyway! Sneaky bastards.

There are also a million quizes out there made by FB users like yourself about yourself! Check that out. Now you can volunteer even more information and have other people take it and paste it up all over their friends pages whether or not you even know them. How cool is that? Remember the game, 6 Degrees from Kevin Bacon? A recent study of the popular Instant Messaging service, MSN, found that all of the users on the service were actually less than 6 "degrees" from each other. Apply that concept to FB. Within a couple of jumps, everyone knows everyone. And everyone knows your shit. But how is that different than any of the other sites that we've been using for all this time. Now it's being archived and organized into a profile. I'm sure that when machines do start taking over the world, knowing what toppings I like on my pizza and what kind of kinky little bastard I may be are going to be a deciding factors in the outcome.

Good night Skynet.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Epic Mash Ups for 1000, Alex.

I don't know how I found this vid. I got on YouTube in the first place to check out the Animiniacs do the countries of the world bit. Somewhere after that I wound up watching a five year old playing DDR (he was really good). Anyway, then I found this little gem. It's good enough to watch twice. I lol'd

stand by to stand by

Have you ever been waiting for something to happen and due to circumstances beyond your control it just wont fucking happen?

The details of this particular scenario aren't important. What is driving me nuts is that I've been waiting for this to go down for over two weeks and I've just been informed that even though it was scheduled, reschedualed I should say, for today, IT'S JUST BEEN POSTPONED AGAIN!!! So now I'm waiting until Monday.

I just want to get on with it. I feel like I've been sentanced to walk the plank but every time I'm about to take the last step, it gets longer; like when you reach the top of the stairs and you think there is another step.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Angels and Demons

I went and saw the "sequel" to the controversial De Vinci Code last night.

Tom Hanks stars again as the symbolist that knows what all those secret lemon juice messages that really old Roman dudes left behind mean and that there is a secret Illuminati path through Rome that points the way to their secret "church" where they would gather to plot the scientifically diabolical demise of the Catholic church. But it wasn't a true sequel, at least not in the movie. They are loosely tied together by a very brief conversation within the first ten minutes and the fact that one of the characters is the same. Maybe this isn't the case in the books, but I haven't read those yet.

Being that the movie was supposed to portray a climactic chapter in a centuries old controversy (which came first the chicken of the egg), I felt that it lacked the punch of it's predecessor. It didn't really have the same edgy suspense or thought provoking power. The first few scenes escalate the tension to a certain level and it just stays there until the end of the move which, I thought very amusingly, ended with a "big bang"...

All in all, it wasn't a bad movie at all. If you haven't been to Rome, it's a nice little tour and not a complete waste of a couple hours. Especially if you are as obsessive compulsive about seeing all the movies in a series if you've seen any of them at all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Previews, Pants, Megan Fox, Inline Skates


This doesn't happen ever time I go but have you ever gone to the movies and forgotten what you came to see while you are watching the previews? I know that's probably a dead give away that my sudoku puzzles aren't working as well as they should, but I like it. It's like a little surprise. Sitting there thinking about how awesome some movie is going to be I'll start talking it over with the guy next to me and forget all together what I'm there to see in the first place. And then the title screen comes up and I'm like, "awesome, I've been wanting to see this."


This lady that works here at the embassy wears the same pants just about every day. The worst part, aside the fact that they have got to be filthy, is that they are just about the ugliest pants I've ever seen. They have this strange kinda snake print on them, but more like the skin of a snake that was eaten and regurgitated by another snake and has been left to rot in the elements for a week. Every time I see her, I want to give her 20 bucks and tell her to go get new pants.

Megan Fox

WANT WANT WANT!!! What's better than a TOTAL BABE with tattoos drinking a beer and grilling up some chicken poolside in a swim suit? The correct answer is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. I could watch her lay around all sleep like that for weeks at a time.

Inline Skates

I recently cleaned my bearings. *grins*. I was so excited to get my skates back the other day that I didn't pay any attention to the fact that my bearing were filthy. I finally got a chance to get out on some decent paths last week and they started squeeking. There isn't anything more depressing than that sound, it's like they are crying *tear*. The potential top speed on a pair of skates with dirty bearings is so much slower than what I'm used to and you have to work WAY harder to keep up a good rythm. But now they are all better, thanks to a little TLC and a few drops of CLP. ;)

Maybe when I get back home and get a cell phone I can tweet this stuff. Micro blog anyone?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek


I am so glad that I got to see this in the theaters. There truly isn't any other way that could possible do it justice.

This movie was epic. The graphics were off the hook, the acting was great, and the way the characters came together in the end to form the team we all know and love was perfect.

Now I'm not a Trekie, I probably didn't even spell that right. How could I be? I'm too young/"normal" and Deep Space 9 didn't really command the same following as the first two series. But this movie was great.

The whole thing was believable; the fight scenes, the action, the inherently awkward relationship between a human and a vulcan. So many movies these days are so focused on blowing their wad on the graphics that they forget the story. Or that make-up artists are still usefull. Thank you for makeing the make up more believable. I'm so tired of characters getting in fights where they are literly covered in their own blood and in the next scene they are fine. I know that you can't very well have the star of the show walking around with a shiner with a steak on it for half of the movie, but a bit of a black eye isn't going to kill you.

All that taken into consideration, this is really the Star Trek movie for everyone. Even if you don't know anything at all about the shows it's still a really good movie. That's probably the best part. JJ Abrams did an excelent job of not making this another movie for the loyal followers. If you don't know anything about what's going on, it's still a good flick. And more credit to the director still for leaving things the way they were left off. I love it in a movie when there is a real ending but the end is just the begining. When there are enough loose ends to make a sequal but not so many that you're left with an aching sensation in your bathing suit area.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miss California...

What a "dumb bitch".

Notice the quotes. I didn't say it, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton did. But this girl is doing laps in a pool of bullshit that I despise about the known world.

Lets start with pageants. What a load of fucking crap! Miss California my ass! I didn't vote for her. Where was my ballot or the broadcast debates? You're telling me that a panel of elitist fashion Nazis are deciding who is going to represent as the gold standard in beauty and sophistication for the state of California? Screw that noise. I love how they get asked meaningful questions. What happened to the standard "world peace" answer? You know, the whole smile, nod, stay pretty, say "world peace" and then get the fuck back in line whilst trying to not slip in the puddle of carrot sticks you puked up from breakfast.

Stance on "opposite marriage". Where do I even start with this one? The blatant disrespect she's displayed for other people's opinions on stage in front of millions of people, or the fact that she's opposing it at all? Saying, "with all due respect" is a slap in the fucking face to anyone it's directed towards. You're from California, damn it! You and all you "Vote Yes on 8" fuckers need to chill the fuck out. They all swear like their lives are going to change. A marriage is between two people, unless you're Mormon. If it's between two dudes, it's not going to cheapen the bond between all those breeder couples. Yea, I said, "breeder". I figure while people are throwing around derogatory terms, I may as well toss in some of my own. Last time I checked, "as long as lesbians can't file a joint tax return" didn't follow, "until death do you part". It's not like you're going to stop anything. Dudes have been rear ending other dudes for a long long time. And if I have anything to say about it, girls are going to get to keep on doing what they do too. Not just because it's hot* but because it's the way it should be.

One last small note on her "integrity as a woman". She's currently under investigation for not disclosing topless pictures she took as part of her modeling portfolio when she was 17. She made it all the way to this stage in the competition and now they are just coming out. I feel the same way about this as I do about Bill Clinton not telling the truth about getting down, though I wouldn't want to tell anyone about it either. I don't care that you did it, I care that you lied. Now I'm not the patron saint of integrity by any means, but when you're up on stage defending yourself against the tabloids saying that you are, well that's a horse of a different color. I saw the photo in question, not that big a deal, seriously. Besides, what kind of fucked up competition aims to narrow down thousands of contestants to the sexual equivalent a "Supreme Being" and prohibit nudity? I say it should be a requirement. If this woman is going to represent California I want to be able to draw her tits from memory.

*Disclaimer - unless the women look like Rosie O'Donnell