Saturday, January 24, 2009

Strange Dreams

Ever have one of those dreams you have to pry yourself out of? Like you're watching a really bad B movie and you want to leave, you really do but you're stuck in your seat. I was at work (in the dream, not sleeping at work) and everything was all wrong. Something about the building and the lights and some other stuff. There were black bag scattered about, they looked like weapon cases. So I'm looking around, cause that's the most awesome part about my job, and I find this guy in one of the offices. He's kinda dumb looking. I don't mean to be rude but just by the looks of him you could tell he was a bit slow on the uptake. And he had these tribal tattoos on the left side of his face. Fucking weird. I asked him what he was doing in the buildign and he pulls a gun on me! So I pull mine but I pull the trigger for some reason but lucky for me, he can't get a round off anywhere near my direction. He gets all pissed off and tries to throw it at me and misses that too... I pick up his gun and try to shoot him with it but it's a revolver and it's empty. I walked back into the hallway and that was it.


Unknown said...

was the guy mike tyson? he's slow with a bad tribal tattoo on his face.

D. Skippy said...

Were you watching Voyager before bed, again?

So sorry you bumped into Retardo-Chakotay and not Seven of Nine. ;)