Friday, January 30, 2009

mp3 player

My ipod died. For real this time. No bringing it back to life like the time I spilled beer all over it. Though it did work surprisingly well for having enough good German beer to knock me over, hence it's drinking habit (of the ipod, stay with me). So into the wild blue yonder (internet) I rocketed myself like that bratty little bitch on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory after her golden goose looking for a new mp3 player. But which one? There are so many to choose from. Arguably, Apple's ipod and Microsoft's Zune are dominating the market. They both have their ups and their downs, so which one? The ipod is sleak, sexy, and (lets face it) you just aren't cool if you dont have one. But the Zune has much more features like: easier navigation, better catorgization, a FM radio tuner, syncs wirelessly with your computer, and (best of all) you dont have to spend a meaty portion of your natural born life to transfer the mp3s you already have into that stupid, USELESS, itunes freaking format! Lets talk cons, iTUNES FORMAT!!! complete BULLSHIT! that's just another way for these tech companies to eat ever further away at your soul while you wait yet again for something you shouldn't need to do. Like when you spend loads of your time installing "upgrades" and "updates" to software the day you get it because Microsoft knows you're going to buy their unfinished shit anyway. Which brings me to the Zune. It's like heaven, the idea of all of these features packed into one tiny box is awesome. But their tech support is complete shit! Lets stay with the heavan analogy. That would be like taking every significant quotable reference out of the Bible. How good a chance do you think you'd have getting into heaven if you didn't have the freaking 10 Commandments? I was on the phone for 45 minutes trying to order one of these damn things and nobody could help me. WTFO? (that's "what the fuck, over" for you non geek types) Initially I was just having a problem with the web site but after being transfered to nearly every department they have I discovered that you can't order the shit you want over the phone when the website is throwing a tantrum. Being involved in the money making business for some time now, that just doesn't make sense. Shouldn't you want to make it as easy as possible to sell your stuff to people so you make more money? Silly me. I guess there comes a time in every evil super gigantic company's life when they realize that they really are omnipotent presence their leaders always dreamed of, at which time my lowly order of $259.99 + the cost of shipping doesn't fucking matter. I'm not going to lie, I still want one but fuck, why does it have to be so hard.


Unknown said...

Soooo...what did you end up getting?

Anonymous said...

soooo... i got the zune. lol. after all that, i got it anyway. because, lets face it, it really does kick the crap out of an ipod.

Unknown said...

you should have gotten an ipod, money for silicon valley man. and the ipod doesn't freak out when it's a new year

-Aaron said...

That was an issue that the first generation Zunes had with their calender. They weren't ready for the extra day in the leap year. Microsoft issued a software fix, all better.