Saturday, January 31, 2009


That's right kiddies. Where on your adventures have you ever had a chance to try out some no shit bobsleding? For months now I've been wondering how it is the Latvian people don't go absolutly crazy during the winter. Surly I've been working it myself, but what do they do? So when my boss suggested that we all go bobsleding, we all thought it would be a pretty sweet time. Due to how flat most of Latvie is, I'm thinking a rickity four man cart down a huge pile of ice pushed together outside the local supermarket. Turns out that the Latvian Olympic Bobsled Team is in hot contention every four years for first place. Not too far from Riga is where they train. It costs 35 Lats for one run, about 70 dollars, and only lasts 47 seconds. Luckily, I didn't pay for it. It was -11 degrees C and we were barreling down this hill at 70mph incurring up to 4G's on the corners! Total blast. I'm really not built for this winter stuff. Especially when it's this freaking cold, but I think I'm giong to hit there little snowboard slopes before everything melts.


Unknown said...

I've bobsledded in Latvia.

Great for one of those random facebook list things.

-Aaron said...

totally. i haddn't done it yet though. lol.