Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What to post?

I started this thing with loads of stuff to say. Which aparently peatered out in 5 posts... At the recomendation of my girlfriend, I find myself required to post something or suffer the pain of knowing that people wont read my work when I actually have something to say. The only problem is, I don't have anything to say. I suppose if I were the type that could just talk and talk with nothing to actually contribute, I'd be a politician. But seeing as how I'm not a politician and the fate of my blog hangs in the balance, I had better come up with something. Any ideas?

1 comment:

D. Skippy said...

Post about how you met your girlfriend. AWWWW!!! *squishy*
Then you'll have a post and your gf will feel extra special ;). Two birds!!