Thursday, September 18, 2008


I just called HP to check the status on my laptop. The very same laptop that I spent nearly $2000 bucks not 6 months ago. For some mysterious reason, one of the hard drives died on me. So after parting with a month and a half worth of my hard earned wages, waiting two months for it to be built and shipped to Frankfurt, and being without it for nearly two months for the repairs, I've just been informed that it should be shipped back to me by next Monday. Just another two weeks after that and I'll be back online! Assuming of course that the internet at the house gets fixed. As I understand it, it's going to take some serious voodoo to make that work. But we'll see. If there is one thing that Marines are good at, it's getting around problems. I'm not sure how I'd get around simply not having a connection, but I'm sure it's nothing a credit card and some orange juice can't fix. ;)


D. Skippy said...

Did they say what was wrong with it?

-Aaron said...

The tech guys here and I went through and trouble shot the thing as best we could. We determined it's a problem with the DLS line. So out of our hands.

D. Skippy said...

Nah, with your lappie. Was it just a dud hard drive or were you downloading questionable materials?

You were looking at Transformers porn and dl'ed a virus again weren't you? ADMIT IT!


Unknown said...

good, I miss talking to you on teh intarwebzorz