Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spore Cometh

I feel a bit noobish. It's not like I haven't be salavating with anticipation over this game or anything. I can't believe that I didn't order it as soon as it came out. But it's finally on it's way! Hopefully my computer gets here before the game does. Can you imagine the frustration of having one of the most highly anticipated games ever and no computer? I would be reduced to a childlike state in no time. You could probably find me in a dark corner playing with the box, making little creature sounds, taping on evolutionary advances when I think I've earned enough dna points.


D. Skippy said...

Spore eated you, didn't it? ;)

-Aaron said...

Actually, I just got it last night. While I haven't had a chance to completly emerse myself in it's evolutionary goodness, so far, i'm a teeny bit disapointed. The movement system is harder to get used to than the first resident evil and picking up all the pieces is a pain in the ass. I did however get a huge kick out of seeing some of the creatures I made popping up in the game. But I kinda screwed myself because they all have a thousand hitpoints and are WAY bigger than I am. lol.

D. Skippy said...

You get used to the controls after a while, but you're right. They're not very comfortable (I guess that's as good a word as any) to use.d I suppose I'm just used to the standard online RPG controls ;).

Game play went surprisingly fast and I finished not long after I got it. I seem to remember that that was the case with Sim Ant as well.

Oh well, I enjoyed designing my death mobile when I finally got my city. It was bristling with cannons and then I got all squee because I could put whitewalls and chrome accents on it *L*.

D. Skippy said...

Where the hell did that superfluous 'd' come from? Goddamn ancient wireless keyboard.