Friday, December 26, 2008


I had THE strangest dream last night. Cast includes but is not limited to the following:

Samuel L Jackson
Hayden Panettiere aka Clair Benet
My Mom

There were more people but I think the list so far illistrates the strangeness.

As with most other dreams, I woke up out of this one and it was the world around me that didn't seem real. Unfortunatly, I don't remember the whole thing. What I do remember is the Haden part.

The scene starts off with her as a baby. She's being watched by a babysitter and everything is cool. Scene cuts to the end of the night when the parents come home and the babysitter is gone. Parents freak out, blah, blah, blah. Fast forward. Haden is about 7. We come to find out she's really some sort of freaky alien creature that happens to be an excelent swimmer. She proceeds to run around eating people and somehow always seems to swim away before we catch her. I woke up later in the story when she was the Haden we all know and love. By this time she had "control" over her urge to eat people though. I really wish I could remember more, but this by itself is freaking weird.

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