Thursday, October 9, 2008


don't ask me what the hell that stands for, because i'm not sure that anyone knows. and if they do, i don't care.

I got my TMO today. My 'puter is up and running with my thump thumps. I'm all giddy about that one. They were the first thing I unpacked. Now all I need is a couple of cables for my other screen. But I'm totally loving having two computers again. So much better. I also got my books and my skates, which I'm taking out tomorrow. OH! and my movies!!! Super stoked about that one. But mainly, I think I'm mostly excited about having music again. I really feel like part of me is missing when I don't have my tunes. And my toy helichopter... Yea, I'm awesome.

1 comment:

D. Skippy said...

I skimmed that title and read it as "TMI"

So I sat for a moment hoping to read a juicy and potentially embarrassing post.

Drat. There goes my entertainment for the day.

Glad to hear you got your stuff all right. :)