Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Monster!

I figure a good way to dust off the old blog would be to introduce the newest member of the collection of electronic devices that one could easily mistake for a family member if you only heard of how excited I get when I talk about them.

Everyone, please meet (no, I don't seriously name my gadgets)

Lian Li PC-A70 Tower
EVGA Micro ATX Motherboard
Saphire Vapor X
Corsair 1000W Power Supply
Intel i7 2.66GHz CPU
Kingston 64Gb SSD
Seagate 7200 rpm 1.5Gb HD (x2)
OCZ 2Gb ddr2 1600 (x6)
LG Blu-ray RW

So here she is, I demand that anything that takes up this much time/money in my life be referred to as female. The build is going smoothly enough seeing as I've never done one. I'm going to be running Windows 7 straight off of the SSD. I literally salivate over how fast this thing should load up. I also purchased a fan/heat sink combo to replace the stock one that came with the CPU. However, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to put the damn thing on. I spent about 30 minutes mounting the AMD bracket to the heat sink. The holes for the screws were just ever so slightly smaller than the screws themselves. I eventually, through a great deal of effort and some minor perspiration, managed to attach one to the other only to find that there wasn't any conceivable way to mount the fan to the processor. Hopefully I can get the AMD bracket off. Because, as you may have noticed, I don't have a AMD processor/motherboard. *Epic Facepalm* I guess I shouldn't just tear into my new toys and start putting them together next time. In any case, I bought all these things to do it myself to learn and to be able to upgrade parts later, so I'm fine with what I'm working with. I'm taking pictures throughout the build so maybe I'll have those up on here sooner or later. I'm off tomorrow and am already excited to get back to putting it together.


After eight hours of anticipation I finally got off work and came back home to take another crack at finishing my build. After realizing that I had put the wrong mounting bracket on the heat sink, I decided to give that another try. I got the AMD one off and managed to put the correct one on without too much hassle. But it's on there now, I don't think it's going anywhere for a while. I had a couple of minor issues along the way. I still can't figure out how to hook up my 3-pin power indicator to the 2-pin spot for it, I don't seem to have enough SATA cables for all three of my hard drives, I don't have a corded mouse to use when I start up Windows, my motherboard manual says I have 6 fan ports and I clearly have only 4, and there is the fact that I can't turn it on... I don't know what the issue is. I have power according to this little blue light next to the 24-pin plug in and the 8-pin is also in. I also have reason to believe that there is power because the fans turn over for about a rotation before stopping. But other than that, there is no indication that the thing is getting juice or doing what it's supposed to be doing. I can't get to the BIOS, which I was kinda excited about because I've never messed with it, and my monitor (AWESOME) isn't getting a signal from the computer of any kind. I've got out resident techno geek coming over some time this week to have a crack at it, hopefully he can shed some light on the issue.

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