Monday, July 27, 2009

I suppose it's time to make what has become my monthly, ish, update.

What's going on, you might ask? Well for those playing at home we're running on 4 months that I've been waiting for my visa. I was supposed to be out of Riga on the tails of May. But some Syriain dude has gotten it in his mind that I'm better suited to stick it out in good 'ol Latvia for a while longer. Not a bad place to be stuck, really. The warm weather is great, the women are beautiful, and I'm putting in some serious time on my bike. The only part that sucks is the not knowing what's going to happen to me, or where I'm going. I'm slated to go to Syria, but if that takes too much longer, I'm getting pulled from that and sent somewhere else. If I go somewhere else, it could be another two months of not knowing where to or when it is that I'll be going. Now don't get me wrong, I love being spontainious and the excitement of knowing I'll be in some random part of the world in three months is great, but it's hard to make plans, ya know? I can't plan on staying here. I can't make plans for back home. I'm just trying to enjoy the time that I have left. So far, I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that. ;)

We just wrapped up another inspection. I rocked the house, again. *happy dance* Nothing like getting recognized for a job well done. Making up for 5 months of slacking off in two weeks is just as hard as it sounds. haha. But seriously, I can't believe how jacked up some of this stuff is. And at the highest levels of our command. It's rediculous. I've got tons of shit I don't need and not enough of the gear that I do need. Whatever, I'm going to get it all straightened out.

Still don't have my stuff. It's been a long time but if you remember my last post, I talked about the Latvian packing ninjas that came and lovingly wrapped my earthly possesions with paper and sent it to a warehouse pending orders to Syria. I gotta say that living on two weeks worth of clothes is one of those thing that nobody likes to do. I've gotten to the point where I think I'm just going to go buy some new clothes. Shoes for sure though, the ones I bought at payless May 08 are falling apart. lol

That's about it for now kiddies, be sure to check back in next month for the what I hope will be the end all be all answer to the unanserable question, "where is Aaron's visa?"

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