Monday, August 25, 2008

First post

So here it is, The first of hopefully many rants, raves, and movie critiques that may or may not give you insight to the way I perceive the world. Please enjoy and comment on whatever you like. Try to keep it clean, my grandmother might read this.



D. Skippy said...

Welcome, welcome, darlin'. Mind if I add you to my blogroll?

-Aaron said...

blogroll away. whatever that is.

D. Skippy said...

Hah, go to if you want one of your own and know where to put it. ;)

An example of one is on my page under the heading "Barmy's Army".

D. Skippy said...

Oh, another fun blog toy can be found at

Kimberly said...

Welcome to the blogging world? lol

miss ya!