Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still alive

busy busy busy. I haven't posted on here in so long I almost had to type the url into my browser.

I've got some good news though... As you may read, I got Spore in the mail yesterday. *Totally awesome* I've also got almost all the movies I ordered from Amazon. I'm still waiting on The Adventures of Barron Munchausen (phonetic spelling), I'll be sending a nasty gram about that in a minute. Oh, and all my stuff from Germany is going to be getting here on Thursday!!! Maybe I'll get to take my skates out before the weather gets crazy. Lets see if I can post some other stuff too...


D. Skippy said...

Holy crap, I haven't seen Baron Munchausen in years.

-Aaron said...

I don't remember what made me think of it, but the other day i was talking about it with someone and decided i had to have it.